Islamic Knowledge Standardized Testing

About Us

IKST is a non-profit organization which aims to develop a standardize method of evaluating the Islamic knowledge of kids residing mostly in western countries where no specific nationwide standard exist for evaluation of the knowledge.

By providing yearly evaluation, parents can evaluate areas of improvement required and institution can compare the performance of the school and staff against other institutions.

Since the project is relatively new, there is a lot to learn, example can kids attending private full-time school and Alim Programs be evaluated against kids attending weekends programs only.

InshaAllah with the help of community and scholars, we will continue to enhance features like, comparisons against only weekend school, full-time schools and schools that offer Alim Programs.

Advisors and Authors

IKST Plan to work with schools and educator to prepare yearly exams based on the subjects considered essential and mentioned in study topic. 

In future, we plan to also post material related to each of the topic - InshaAllah.

Board of Directors: TBD

Advisors: TBD

Test Prep Team: Due to the reasons for preserving the integrity of testing, this team is kept confidential

Contact: Please email for questions and comments